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Human Design - Partnership Analysis

How do we become #relationshipgoals?

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 360 euros
  • Google Meet Videocall

Service Description

When 2 people come together - in friendship, romance or business - 2 worlds merge. Some things will be beautiful, some things can be challenging. Certain behaviors can be accentuated, triggered or restrained. Thanks to Human Design, we can explain to you, where you two are wired similarly and where differently, why certain dynamics take place in your relationship and how you can become the best partners for each other. # How do we each function, operate and show up in the world? # How do we function as partners? # Why do certain dynamics keep happening in our relationship? # Where do we see domination, compromise, attraction, friendship? # Why do we always experience a certain type of conflict? # How exactly can we understand, respect and support each other better? # What do we each need (from each other) to thrive? # What are negative beliefs, fears and habits sabotaging each of us? >> Content: 90min live Reading online via Google Meet + audio recording of the session >> Prerequisite: At least one of you should have had a Foundations Reading with us or someone else. We highly recommend that both partners have had a Foundations Reading beforehand, and that they both attend the Partnership Reading. But it is also ok if only one partner is present during the Partnership Reading - provided the other partner has approved it & provided their birth information voluntarily. >> Booking: Choose Victoria or Özden in the Dropdown Staff Filter >> During the Reading: We want to introduce your wonderful Design to you, so we do most of the speaking, but we encourage you to make it a conversation, share examples and ask questions. Decide for yourself whether you want to take notes or not. In any case, you will get the audio recording afterwards and we recommend to listen to it several times, as each time serves as a reminder/refresher, information is reinforced or something lands for the first time. >> Tips: This Reading is one of the best presents you can gift yourself. So, take that time, make sure you’re undisturbed and maybe you can pamper yourself and make it extra-special with your favorite candle and a nice cup of tea. Try to keep your agenda light after the Reading, so you can relax and digest the information. Let us shower you with love & admiration when we unlock all the wonderful magic of your combined Human Design charts for you. These 90 Minutes are about you two only! 💝

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